বাংলায় দেখুন
Charity University is Increase employment opportunities to the unemployed by implementations of the appropriate trade and skillful human resources development based education and creates opportunities of the human peace and prosperity.
Advocacy and Employment Training Course
Are you a person looking for work local or International? Or are you looking for more experience working with adults at risk? Are you a disable person looking for work?
Our accredited course features extensive training on rights, legislation, services, and benefits. We also have a strong confidence building component and employability skills.
Advocates help people to stand up for themselves and secure their rights. You can learn the skills to become an advocate and support disabled people to live independent lives.
Courses run every Monday for 13 weeks and are followed by a 12 week work placement on one day a week.
Short courses to get a job or self employment
Successfully completing a certificate course from a reputed university is one of the easiest ways to get a promotion, increase your wages, or switch your job. Varying in length from a few months to years, with classes in the evening, nights, weekends and online, these courses will provide you with the advanced skills that are required to succeed in today’s workplace.
- Many certificate courses require you to take exams (for certification, it helps in getting a job), some might require preparation from 3 to 6 months.
Depending on your interest plan for a course/certification and related job market.
Considering a large number of certificate courses on offer, finding one to suit your needs and requirements should not be difficult. While it will require a few months of hard work and an investment of time and money, once you successfully complete the course you will be ready to achieve your goals no matter what they are.
There are many computer certifications which can build your career and you may earn a lot more money. Computer certification is a good choice if you have an interest in computers with a bachelor degree.
Top Certificate Courses for Jobs in USA
দুবাই , চায়নাতে , ম্যানুফেকচারিং কোর্স করার পর নিয়োগ ।
যোগাযোগঃ ০১৭৮৮১৯৬১৫,০১৭৮৭৮১১৬৩৭
বেতনঃ ৪০০০০/-টাকা (দুবাই , চায়নাতে) এস এস সি পাশ ও ম্যানুফেকচারিং কোর্স ।
বিস্তারিত inbox
খরচঃ দুবাই , চায়নাতে ২সপ্তাহে ভিজিট ভিসা , তার পর ম্যানুফেকচারিং প্ল্যান্ট এ ওয়ার্ক পারমিট , প্লেন ভাড়া , ম্যানুফেকচারিং প্ল্যান্ট চাকুরির আগ পর্যন্ত ১৫ দিনের থাকা খাওয়া খরচ -২৭০০০০/- টাকা।
ম্যানুফেকচারিং জব কোর্স ট্রেনিং ফিঃ ১৩০০০০/-(সার্টিফিকেট কোর্স)